Monday, October 20, 2008

Portfolio 4: CS1101C: Writing C Programming

CS1101C is a C Programming module that I have to take during this first semester of my first year in university. It is a programming language that I have never learned before and I find it very challenging. Nevertheless, I have encountered several difficulties in writing C programs since the start of the module.

Learning C programming is just like learning another language as there are a lot of special signs and keywords to learn, and each of them represents a different meaning. Although English is used in writing C programs, the style of writing is completely different from normal English writing. In addition, we were taught to use C programming to solve problems. Tutorial and lab questions come out every week and students have to rack their brains to solve the given problems using C programming. In every program, I have to determine the number of variables and the techniques available for me to choose. After that, I will have to write down the pseudo code for the program before converting it to C Programming language. These processes need deep thinking and I might get stuck sometimes depending on the difficulty of the question. Furthermore, the debugging process is also troublesome when errors have to be checked manually and edited so that the program will run smoothly.

I will seek help from my friends when I get stuck somewhere in my thinking process or when I have difficulties in writing the program. Doing some research on the internet might help too. The internet is a good source of getting extra information and helps me resolve my difficulties in writing C programs. To me, the only similarity of writing C programs and writing English is to keep practicing writing to improve and familiarize with the style and rules of writing. Therefore, it is important that I do my tutorials and labs diligently so that I get as much practice as possible.